Friday, 14 December 2012

Lead Powder - Manufacture And Use

Lead in powdered or granular form finds several applications in a variety of industries. Including:

• Oil and gas exploration 

• Radiological Medical protective clothing 
• Industrial X-ray shielding 
• Golf club manufacturing 
• Anti-friction products 
• Corrosive resistant paints

This article discusses the production methods for lead powder, gives some details on its application and provides information on Nuclead’s capabilities in this area Lead Powder Production Methods Lead powder is often produced by dispersing melted lead. Drops of molten lead are atomized using a jet of high temperature gas. The lead can be introduced into the gas stream in the same direction as the gas flow, by use of an annular nozzle, or the molten lead can be dripped into a perpendicular stream of gas. The first method produces finer lead powder and is therefore more useful in certain applications such as lead bases anti-friction lubricants.

In a typical manufacturing process the lead is melted in a crucible, the liquid metal flows out of an hole, of precise dimensions, in the bottom of the crucible and more molten metal is added to maintain a constant level – this will ensure a constant rate of flow through the hole in the bottom of the crucible. The metal flows into a gas jet that has been heated to about 200oC and is dispersed into small particles up to a few microns in size. 

Read the full article at original source:

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